Spinal Stenosis
If you live in the Carrollton, GA, area and require of chiropractic care, look no further! One of the many conditions Dr. Pete Lazarnick (Dr. Pete) treats is Spinal Stenosis. This is a disorder where the spaces of the spine shrink. It causes uncomfortable symptoms that can inhibit your everyday activities. Reach out to our staff today to learn more about your treatment options.
Spinal Stenosis begins with a shift in your spinal canals. These necessary structures move out of their mandated positions. This pushes open spinal spaces into smaller areas. The results are painful symptoms. Overall, your spine doesn’t have enough room to correctly function.
There are a few noted risk factors for this condition. The most common one is your age. Your vertebrae naturally narrow as you age. It’s a result of a lifetime of everyday use. It’s not something that can be completely avoided. The likelihood of developing thickened ligaments also occurs. These create boney spurs that grow into the spinal canal. It’s both uncomfortable and painful. Other risk factors are the prevalence of other spinal conditions. This includes osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and spondylolisthesis.
The most common symptom of spinal stenosis is back pain. It can even radiate throughout the arms and legs. This is because the spine is pinching the nerves, due to the lack of space. You may also experience neck pain. There are a few less common symptoms, such as pain while walking, weakness, and numbness or tingling of the extremities. Dr. Pete makes his diagnosis during your consultation. Together you’ll go over your medical history and symptoms. He then evaluates your spine, possibly ordering imaging scans too.
Your treatment is based solely upon your needs. Your Carrollton chiropractor bases his care around you. Dr. Pete offers treatment options like decompression therapy, postural corrections, and chiropractic adjustments.
Dr. Pete Lazarnick (Dr. Pete) is located in Carrollton, GA. To schedule your appointment, visit his www.askdrpete.com or call 770-832-2226.
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