Hip Bursitis

Do you feel soreness in your hip when you walk upstairs or lie on your side? The problem might not be in the joint. At the Carrollton chiropractic office of Dr. Pete Lazarnick (Dr. Pete), we offer a variety of complementary, uninvasive, non-addictive treatments for all sorts of musculoskeletal problems. Among those problems are hip bursitis, the inflammation of bursae.

A bursa is a sac of fluid that tendons slide over, sparing them from having to rub directly against bony ridges. There are hundreds of them in the body, but the largest and likeliest to be injured are the trochanteric bursae. The trochanteric bursae are located on the outward facing side of each femur on a notch near the top of the bone. When the bursa suffers an acute injury or becomes overused, it becomes inflamed and develops a dull pain, especially when it is subjected to pressure. 

Hip bursitis is more likely to occur in women and older people. We identify it through a combination of x-rays, which may show calcium build-up on the hips, stretching tests, and a tactile examination. Treatments will be focused on loosening the hip muscles and reducing inflammation through practices including physical therapy, electric muscle stimulation, and low level laser therapy. Dr. Pete is an expert in several soft tissue techniques and will work with you to find a solution that will allow you to return to healthy activity.

Dr. Peter Lazarnick is located at 486 Bankhead Hwy, Carrollton, Georgia, 30117. To schedule an appointment, call 770-832-2226 or visit www.askdrpete.com.



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