Heat Vs. Ice Therapy

There is a lot of misinformation about when you should apply heat vs. ice to an injury. Dr. Peter Lazarnick (Dr. Pete) of Carrollton, GA, has put together this brief guide to clear things up! No more having to extensively google or rely on others secondhand information. We offer both types of therapy, but how do you know what you need? In the simplest of terms, ice is used for newer injuries while heat therapy works on sore and stiff muscles. Just remember to always talk to your chiropractor before using either.


Ice or Cold Therapy is the application of ice to injured areas. This works to reduce inflammation across the injured tissues. Inflammation is a natural response to an injury, but that doesn’t make it any less painful! Icing is a great way to handle your pain management. It works best when used on superficial injuries.


Heat Therapy works by relieving pain and stiffness. It’s great for a variety of conditions, including stress, chronic pain, and muscle pain. Patients with chronic back pain find it especially useful. Heat therapy is successful due to how the body reacts to temperature. Increased heat relaxes the muscles, creating better circulation and blood flow. This quickens the healing time while providing pain relief.


Always talk to your Carrollton, GA, chiropractor before using either ice or heat therapy. There are certain situations where using the wrong type makes things worst. Heat is bad for inflammation, while ice worsens stiffness. Just remember to never apply heat to an area that is already hot or ice when already shivering.


Dr. Peter Lazarnick is a chiropractic professional in Carrollton, GA. To schedule an appointment, you can call 770-832-2226 or visit https://www.askdrpete.com/.


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