
Showing posts from September, 2019

Vertebral Compression Fractures

Hairline fractures can develop in any bone when put under stress. And when fractures develop in the bodies of vertebrae, a person may suffer pain whenever they are upright. But although they are serious, vertebral compression fractures respond well to the safe, minimally invasive chiropractic treatments we offer at the Carrollton office of Dr. Peter Lazarnick (Dr. Pete). In this blog post, we’ll explore what causes compression fractures and how to prevent them. The vertebral bodies are the weight-bearing, flat parts of the bones in between the spine’s spongy discs. In a person with healthy bone density, it would take a powerful blow to make them crack. But in a person with osteoporosis, a vertebral fracture may be caused by something as minor as a sneeze. Fractures usually occur in the lower thoracic spine and tend to cause worse pain when a person is standing or active. Older women are at particularly high risk. Patients may be advised to limit their activity and wear a spinal brace d...

Facet Joint Disorder

Facet Joint Syndrome is one of the most common of painful conditions. It affects the joints in the back of the spinal column that connect vertebrae together, and the pain it causes can be widespread. Fortunately, with safe, conservative treatment, we at the Carrollton chiropractic office of Dr. Peter Lazarnick (Dr. Pete) can relieve patients from pain while putting their joints in the best position for complete, natural healing. The facet joints allow the spine to move in all directions and are complex structures. They may be damaged by sudden trauma, such as whiplash, or their dysfunction may develop gradually as a result of degeneration in the cartilage or nearby spinal discs. Small tears in the joint’s tissue can cause its components to slide out of place (a subluxation) and trigger spasms in the nearby muscles. Degeneration is likelier to occur when the joints are subjected to excessive weight and are overused in a repetitive manner. It is often difficult for patients to determine ...

Spinal Stenosis

If you live in the Carrollton, GA, area and require of chiropractic care, look no further! One of the many conditions Dr. Pete Lazarnick (Dr. Pete) treats is Spinal Stenosis. This is a disorder where the spaces of the spine shrink. It causes uncomfortable symptoms that can inhibit your everyday activities. Reach out to our staff today to learn more about your treatment options.   Spinal Stenosis begins with a shift in your spinal canals. These necessary structures move out of their mandated positions. This pushes open spinal spaces into smaller areas. The results are painful symptoms. Overall, your spine doesn’t have enough room to correctly function.   There are a few noted risk factors for this condition. The most common one is your age. Your vertebrae naturally narrow as you age. It’s a result of a lifetime of everyday use. It’s not something that can be completely avoided. The likelihood of developing thickened ligaments also occurs. These create boney spurs that grow into the spin...

Neck Stretches

One of the most common ailments we see at Dr. Peter Lazarnick’s (Dr. Pete) Carrollton, Georgia chiropractic office is a stiff neck. While there are numerous causes of cervical pain, the most common are overuse and traumatic injuries. Our minimally invasive and non-addictive treatments include adjustments to the cervical spine and therapeutic exercise, which will help strengthen soft tissues that have been worn down. Injured patients should not attempt to devise their own therapeutic exercises, but we find that people are likelier to seek help when they have some idea of what to expect. The exercises we prescribe are meant to gradually increase the neck’s flexibility, as well as its strength. Some of these include slowly bending the neck in different directions, rotating it, and holding it in different positions, such as with the ear pressed against the shoulder. Over time, patients would increase the duration of their stretches and their number of repetitions each session. As the neck ...