
When people think about lower back pain, they naturally envision a problem in the lumbar region of the spine. But in fact, pain frequently radiates from the sacroiliac joints, the places where the fused vertebrae at the base of the spinal column (the sacrum) connect with the pelvis. Dr. Peter Lazarnick (Dr. Pete) is an experienced chiropractor in Carrollton, Georgia, who can help patients to better recover from this condition without reliance on dangerous drugs or surgeries.

The pelvis bears a lot of weight and the joints in it can easily become worn down. “Sacroiliitis” specifically refers to dysfunction in the sacroiliac joint accompanied by inflammation, but inflammation is not always present. It can also result from a traumatic injury. People with sacroiliitis may experience pain between their lower backs and their thighs, and it is often worse when they have been standing or sitting for a long time or after walking up stairs. The pain may be sharp or achy, and it sometimes only presents on one side.

Sacroiliitis can cause the same symptoms as several other types of dysfunction in the pelvic region, and in rare cases, it may be the result of a staph infection. Diagnostics will include movement and imaging tests. Treatment for sacroiliac dysfunction can be multifaceted and include electric muscle stimulation, adjustments by hand or instrument, physical therapy, and low-level laser therapy to prevent scarring.

Dr. Peter Lazarnick is located at 486 Bankhead Hwy, Carrollton, Georgia, 30117. To schedule an appointment, call 770-832-2226 or visit



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