Degenerative Rotator Cuff Conditions

Have you developed weakness in your shoulder? Does it often hurt when you wake up? You may be suffering from a rotator cuff tear. Shoulder injuries are one of the most common ailments we treat at the Carrollton chiropractic office of Dr. Peter Lazernick (Dr. Pete). We are experts in soft tissue therapies that will relieve a patient’s pain and allow them to regain their range of motion without drugs or surgery.

The rotator cuff is the bundle of tendons that holds the ball of the humerus, or upper arm bone, inside the socket of the shoulder joint. It is lubricated by a bursa located above the joint and below the end of the collar bone, or clavicle. Overuse can cause the fibers making up the tendons and muscles to fray. This is likelier to happen as people age and their muscles aren’t supplied with as much blood. Their bones may also grow spurs, which wear away at soft tissue fiber. Often, damaged muscle becomes inflamed, which puts pressure on the surrounding tissues.

We offer several complementary therapies for strengthening shoulder muscles. Our doctors are proficient in the Fascial Distortion Model of physical therapy, in which we correct the connective tissue responsible for supporting muscles. Electric muscle stimulation is a therapy that reduces inflammation, provides muscles with fresh nutrients, and prevents the development of scar tissue. We also offer several soft tissue manipulation techniques that will reduce pain and increase flexibility.

Dr. Peter Lazarnick is located at 486 Bankhead Hwy, Carrollton, Georgia, 30117. To schedule an appointment, call 770-832-2226 or visit



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